Get Help for Your Anxiety
Is anxiety stopping you from doing what you want in life? You deserve to get help.
You are feeling so anxious that you are finding it hard to function in your day to day. You look at those around you and don’t understand how they can simply be living while you are stuck in an endless cycle of worry, shame, and fear. This may be leading you to feel:
Unfulfilled with your relationships and/or your job
Helpless and feeling like things might not ever feel different
Sadness even though you might define yourself as a generally “happy” person
Scared of trying to change because it all feels so hopeless and you don’t want to fail or feel let down any more than you already do
Lost in your current life and not knowing where to turn or what you need to do differently to feel any better
I understand and I’m here to help. I help people suffering from anxiety re-connect with their truest self, and move forward in a way that feels right to them.
If you’re ready to start feeling better, let’s chat.
Hi, my name is Keri, and I’m an anxiety therapist in Tampa, FL.
My Approach to Anxiety Therapy
The world we live in breeds anxiety and worry. We are expected to go and work our asses off each day to make enough money to support ourselves and our families (with cost of living rising more and more), juggle responsibilities way beyond any human’s capacity in any given day, figure out what our passions are and live accordingly (hint: you don’t need to start here to feel better), AND do it all with a smile on our face.
No wonder we are so fucking stressed out!
Dealing with daily anxiety can be ridiculously overwhelming. It can literally feel like you are losing your mind and spinning around in circles. It robs you of your motivation, makes you question every decision you make, and can send you swirling into a pretty dark hole. You might even suffer from panic or anxiety attacks that can make it difficult to be out in the world like you need/want to be. This could range from a small amount of anxiety that just feels like a bother all the way to something that is debilitating. You do not need be at “max level anxiety” to be worthy of getting help. Just to make sure you heard me - YOU DO NOT NEED TO WAIT TO GET HELP UNTIL THINGS HAVE ESCALATED!
So what does it look like to be in therapy for anxiety? The truth is that this can look different for everyone. Some folx need a space to vent and have someone actually hear them. and validate their experience (hint: feeling less alone can do wonders). Others might need specific coping skills to be able to start functioning again. For some, this might mean getting in touch with different thoughts or parts of ourselves that feel harsh or shameful. You may have had some really tough things happen to you in your life, or you may not have - there is no right or wrong reason or way to feel anxiety. The bottom line is that you do not need to suffer alone, and there is no shame in getting help.
Anxiety can be caused by many factors. For many, it runs in your family and you may have a genetic predisposition to experience it. You may have had a traumatic experience (big or small) that has resulted in anxiety. It’s possible that you have a diagnosis (such as OCD or ADHD) where your brain needs different tools to feel good in our sometimes black and white world. You may be reacting to living in a world that expects way too much of us. There is no one answer! We may be able to link your symptoms to one particular cause, but in the end the important part is that you get help and feel like you can function to the best of your ability.
You may feel: scattered with your thoughts, have fears or a sense of panic in certain situations (or generally), have a sense of overwhelm, or have a difficult time making decisions. Although they can also be a sign of anxiety, the stereotypical symptoms of “sweaty palms and racing thoughts” might not be what you are experiencing, and that does not mean you aren’t suffering or don’t deserve to acess help.
If you are on this page and reading these FAQs, questioning if you have anxiety or should get help, then you deserve a space to talk this out. Some people might need to be in therapy for a significant amount of time, while others may just need a few sessions to sort something out. If you are experiencing any symptoms that are leading to any level of distress, you might benefit from therapy.
Anxiety Therapy FAQs
What to Look Forward to
You might be thinking - “OK, so I see all the downsides to not dealing with my anxiety, but Keri, what should we be working towards together?” Oh my friend, I’m so glad you asked. We sometimes get so caught up in our own heads about the things that are ailing us, that we forget to think about what life could be life.
Now as you may have noticed already, I take a pretty realistic view of things. I think that having some level of anxiety is completely normal, and our goal is never to “rid ourselves” of all of it! Anxiety can help us in ways such as pushing us to take risks that could improve our circumstances, and warning us when we truly are in a dangerous situation. I also feel strongly that we do not have control over every little thought that enters our mind (and it is a fruitless effort to try to change all of our thoughts). BUT - I do believe that we can learn our own patterns, take a look at past experiences that may still be affecting us, and chose to live our life by our values, regardless of whether or not we are feeling anxiety (or anything else).
So, how might you feel after working together? Here are some ideas, taken mostly from my work with Clients and how they have felt after doing this work:
Hopeful that you can deal with anything that comes your way (not saying it will always be easy, but it WILL be workable!)
Grounded in your life and your values - meaning that no matter what thoughts you have, you feel like you have choice over what actions you take
Connected with the people in your life who are important to you
Secure in who you are and what you have to offer this world, and not scared as this changes throughout your life (as it 100% will!)
Curiosity around thoughts and feelings as they arise, with a clear plan of what to do if symptoms increase again
Getting Help for Anxiety
The first step in this process is finding someone you can trust to hold space for you during this process. I feel very strongly that we first need to make sure we connect and that you will feel comfortable working together. I recommend taking me up on my free virtual 15-minute consultation so we can do just that – connect and make a plan. If you have been suffering from anxiety for a significant amount of time, we will work together to unpack your story.
Once we decide to work together, we will meet in person in my Tampa, FL office or virtually. We typically begin by developing that trusting partnership and figuring out what your goals are. You will tell your story at a pace that feels right for you and I will be there to support you every step of the way. Many of my clients can feel very vulnerable talking about these topics which is 100% normal and to be expected. This is why you come and see me – so you don’t need to deal with emotions that may arise on your own.
It is also important for you to know that as an anxiety therapist in Tampa, I have lived experience in this area. I myself have (and still sometimes do!) suffer from anxiety and know how isolating and scary it can be. Therapy was life-changing for me and put me in a space where I know I can deal with anything that comes my way. I want that for you, too. If any of the above resonated with you and you want to find a time to connect, click the button below to connect so we can chat more. You have choices when looking for a therapist, and I want to make sure to give you the space to decide if I am the right fit. Looking forward to connecting!